Personal Addition #27


  1. Pull an all nighter on the beach👙
  2. Shoot my first goose🔫
  3. Not burn as much as last year…☀️🔥
  4. Go camping with my boyfriend ⛺️
  5. Go to BC🚗
  6. Go to Boardwalk days in Winnipeg Beach🎡
  7. Catch a picture worthy fish 🐟
  8. Learn to wakeboard 🏄🏼
  9. Kiss in the rain 😘
  10. Watch at least one sunset ☀️

Personal Addition #26

Recently this year I found out why I was having such bad stomach pains. My doctor asked me to stop eating bread and see how my stomach was. I didn’t eat bread for a while and I wasn’t having my stomach pains anymore. Turns out that I have an intolerance to gluten. It has been really hard to try and change my diet; gluten literally is in everything… This change has been hard but it also has made me eat healthier. It’s hard for me to go to a fast food place and get something gluten free so I’m cooking more at home now. It’s making me loose a lot of weight and it’s also making my immune system a lot better than it has been! 

Personal Addition #25

I played basketball for a good 5 years but I had to quit playing because I needed to work. I really wish I didn’t give up playing basketball to work more. I really miss playing on a team and being very active, this summer I really want to get back into playing!

Personal Addition #24

I’d like to make one of my personal additions about my dad. I am a major daddy’s girl and I always have been. My dad has always been there whenever I need him; he is both my best friend and my dad. With my mom walking out of my life my dad really became the only person that I could really trust. Our relationship is like no other father daughter relationship. My dad was only 19 when I was born which a lot of people frown upon. He was always so proud to show me off even though people would give him nasty looks because he was so young. I really couldn’t ask for a better dad; I definitely don’t know how I could live without him. 

Personal Addition #23

I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety since I was around the age of 12. These illnesses run in my family on both my parents sides. It’s really hard trying to deal with both of these illnesses. I remember points where my anxiety would get so bad that I would start to throw up. I would get nervous about going to school and my anxiety would kick in; I missed a lot of school because I was afraid to go to class and screw up something I was doing. Depression also made it hard in school, I lost all motivation to try and succeed and I would be to upset to concentrate in class. It made it really hard to try and keep up in class. I have my ups and downs and I’m hoping that I can over come my issues with myself and try and be happy and worry less about things in life. 

Personal Addition #21

If you know me you know that I absolutely love the fast and furious movies. I grew up watching them and I have every single movie on DVD. When the last movie came out (Fast 7) I was really exicted but also sad because of Paul Walkers recent death. At the end of the movie when they did the tribute to him I balled my eyes out… Like everyone in the theatre was looking at me, it was just hard to believe that someone I grew up watching in my favourite movies had died. I’m hoping that they keep going on with the movies because everyone just keeps getting better!

Personal Addition #20

Like mostly everyone I know I was born with a birth mark. Usually people have just an odd mark on them but I actually have a hole at the top of my left ear near my temple. No one knows why I was born with it, my cousin actually has the same hole in the same spot on the same ear so I’m thinking that this “birth mark” is hereditary. It’s really odd I always have people ask me why I pierced my ear there haha! 

Now What?!

Since my bucket list has a lot of things to do with traveling to different countries I plan to start saving up money this summer to go to the places on my bucket list. I have never been on a plane before which really shocks a lot of people when I tell them that but I wasn’t able to leave the country so there was never a need for me to go on a plane. My parents split up when my mom was pregnant with me and she didn’t give my dad any custody of me, I moved out from my moms to move in with my dad and step mom when I was eight. Later on my mom quit talking to me so I wasn’t able to get her to sign papers for me to leave the country. Now that I am eighteen I don’t need parental consent to leave the country so I am really excited to pursue traveling, with saving up money and being eighteen I can now cross off going on an airplane, traveling to Germany and traveling to Sweden off of my bucket list. I hope to go to Germany and Sweden during one of my summers since I will be in university full time for pharmacy or after I graduate university. I am thinking that I want to go to different countries other than Sweden and Germany in Europe since the two countries are farther apart I want to hit a few other countries along the way!

Authors Note

Traveling is something that I have enjoyed ever since I was younger. I’ve never been out of Canada in the 18 years of my life; I’m very curious as to what other countries and places are like. I really want to experience being around a different culture, the places that I really want to go are Sweden and Germany because thats were my ancestry is mainly from. I guess I fell in love with the idea of traveling when I went on my first road trip with my family to British Columbia. I was so fascinated with the surroundings, the mountains, crystal clear water and the entire vibe you got from being there. I think that the earth holds so much beauty you shouldn’t spend your life stuck in the same place; I want to experience what the world has to offer. My love for traveling really influenced a lot of the things that I have on my bucket list. Beside from traveling I do have a really large love for muscle cars and trucks. Being the only girl in my family I was always playing with my brothers, wether it was playing with hot wheels or driving around in our mini john deer tractor. My dad always had taken us to car shows and took us out almost every sunday night for cruise night that he could. I remember always asking him what the name and the year of any car that would catch my eye as we drove down Portage, he was able to bounce back each time and tell me exactly what I wanted to know he even threw in the engine size once in a while. I guess from being around muscle cars and trucks my entire life because my dad owns a lot I grew a greater interest in them. This is why I really have a lot of things on my bucket list that have to do with muscle cars or trucks; it is just something that is a really big part of my life and always has been.